I usually affect that "You don't impress me but that guy standing BEHIND you has me utterly captivated." demeanor while furtively making mental notes about EVERY detail of their appearance.
Or in the case of Mr. Mike Tyson, I just didn't want the guy to beat my ass. Plus I value my ears. They're cute, tiny, and perfectly proportional to my head.
But seeing Mr. Tyson at my local Pinkberry's was too much of a hoot to NOT share with you all. So without further adieu, I am going to introduce you to my FIRST EVER Celebrity Encounter Art Lesson.
Lesson 1: See and Draw Mike Tyson!
Step 1: If Mike Tyson was a Shape He'd Be A....

So everyone grab your pencils and draw a basic square...or rectangle like me. He was kinda puffy too...so don't be so rigid with the lines or sharp with your edges.
Step 2: Mike Tyson's Turtley Proportions

Because Mike Tyson has almost zero neck, feel free to draw his head in the body. Like turtle!
Define his waistline in the middle.
Step 3: Mike Tyson's Sassy Figure Comes Together

Step 4: Mike Tyson in TECHNICOLOR!

Mike was in an almost all white outfit. To be frank I was too busy staring at his face tatoo to notice what color his shoes were. Let's just say they were blue. And because Mike is a proud black man, let's not make him pink or yellow shall we?
Step 5: Plug in the Details That Make Mike...simply....MIKE.

So there you have it. Not only do you know what it's like to SEE a living legend, but now you know who to draw him. All without the threat of getting a camera smashed into your face.
hey, as a librarian i have to say that this post is misfiled! it should be on the "helen is drawing" blog i think because it's about DRAWING...but then again it is about a VERY los angeles subject (i.e. celebrities)...perhaps it needs to be crossreferenced??? ooooh! the dewey possiblities are just too much for me to stand!
This could easily become a meme - next stop Boing Boing!
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