As an experiment, I decided to log how much random info I just happened to pick up in one day.
From 9 am to 6pm I learn:
-There used to be giant 8-foot long SEA SCORPIONS that roamed our Earth.

Glass half full though: Can we tweak this perception and think of these things as Ancient Lobsters though?
(source: Major headline on .)
- The guy who invented lobotomies had psychological issues himself.

Why do I find this not surprising?
Listening to Jack El-Hai discuss his new book , The Lobotomist, a biography about Dr. Walter Freeman, I am left a bit depressed about how brilliant but self-righteous the manwas.
(source: podcast, "Sound of Young America")
-My dad

Grandpa was forced into an arranged marriage at 17!
Grandma was the JEZEBEL who lured him away from his first wife!
I have a 66 year old aunt in Beijing!
Her daughter is an American citizen living in New York!
(note to self: if dating Chinese, request DNA sample prior to make out session.)
(source: Email from Dad.)
-I make a note to read Dark at the Roots by Sarah Thyre.

I am bored by people who use painful childhoods as an excuse to drink heavily, have promiscuous sex with strangers, cry and whine a lot.
But someone who can extract humor and tell a good story about it...I'm their fan for life. It's all about making lemonaaaade, people!
(source: podcast, "Sound of Young America")
-Self-Loathing Asians don't understand irony.
This Youtube video of a deluded Asian chick on Tyra makes me ANGRYYYYYY.
(thanks to Danny for infecting me with rage.)
Ugh- changing your eyelids to look less Asian is such an Asian thing to do.
What a dumbass move. Being American is all about diversity and individuality, folks. I know it's the cool thing to conform and look just like your friends in Asia, but aren't we kinda over that by now in the States? Sheesh, getting double eyelid surgery is like only wearing Burberry, Louis Vuitton and Dior. By compensating so hard on the outside, you know there isn't as much of an effort going on INSIDE.
(source: outraged Danny over IM and Youtube .)